Soaring in the Joy of Freedom: A Call to Trust God's Deliverance

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Soaring in the Joy of Freedom: A Call to Trust God's Deliverance

Scripture Reference:

"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." — Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)

Freedom is one of the greatest gifts God offers to humanity. But it is not just a physical release from captivity; it is a spiritual and emotional liberation—bringing joy, peace, and purpose. In this regard, the picture of an eagle soaring through the sky is a potent symbol. 

Eagles are not held down by the gravitational pull of the earth; they rise above the storm, unruffled by the winds, and effortlessly glide through the heavens. We as believers are called to walk in this same freedom in Christ.


The Burden of Bondage

Many people walk around burdened by their guilt, their fears, their sin, or what others may think of them. This bondage is like being lost in a stormy sea with no visible ground to stand on. The woman in the picture lying upon the waters depicts the vulnerability and helplessness of humanity. She is at the mercy of the waves until the eagle swoops down to lift her up. So many times in our lives, we find ourselves in a place where we cannot save ourselves. The weight of our struggles keeps us down, and we feel powerless.

But the beauty of the gospel is that we do not have to stay in this place. God, in His love, sent Jesus to rescue us. Just like the eagle intervenes, God reaches out to us in our weakness.

Reflection: What are the storms in your life that make you feel trapped? Have you given them over to God?

God's Power to Deliver

The strength and accuracy of the eagle in this image speak to us about God's great power. As the psalmist says, "He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings, you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart" (Psalm 91:4). God's deliverance is not accidental or uncertain but purposeful and sure.

When we feel that He has left us, God is already planning our rescue. Like the eagle, He sees the bigger picture. He knows just when to act and exactly how to lift us to safety. His timing may never meet our expectations, but it is always perfect.

Illustration: Think of the deliverance of Israel from Egypt. They had been in slavery for many years and were groaning for deliverance. Then God sent Moses, and through miracles and signs, they were set free. But then, the journey to the Promised Land was an exercise in trust and perseverance. In like manner, God sometimes uses our trials to perfect our faith, to prepare us for further freedom.


Living in the Joy of Freedom

When we first find deliverance in God, we then are invited to walk in the joys of that liberty. Now, the woman, lifted on eagle's wings in the image, is symbolic of transformation that follows when God is allowed to take His rightful place within us: no longer bearing the burden of fear and sin but free—above all the waters with poise and purpose.

Freedom in Christ is not just about being saved; it's living a life reflecting His glory. Paul writes, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery" (Galatians 5:1). This freedom empowers us to pursue God's calling, share His love, and walk in victory.


  • Trust in the timing of God: An eagle knows exactly when to lift up its prey. So, God knows exactly how and when to deliver you. Be patient; trust His process.
  • Resting in your identity in Christ: No longer do you a victim, but a victor Live boldly, know you is a child of God.
  • Share the Joy of Freedom: Share your testimony with others that are feeling trapped. Let them know that the same God who delivered you can deliver them, too.



The joy of freedom is a gift that transforms every aspect of our lives. Just like the eagle that lifted the woman above the stormy waters, God lifts us out of despair and sets us on a path of hope and purpose. As you reflect on this truth, let it inspire you to soar higher in your faith and trust in God's deliverance.



Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of freedom in Christ. When the storms of life would overwhelm me, remind me of Your power to deliver and sustain. Help me to live in the joy of Your freedom and to share that with others. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Closing Thought

Freedom isn't an absence of difficulties; it's the presence of God's strength in the midst of them. Soar in the joy of His deliverance, and embrace the life He has called you to live.